Bar Leadership Initiative
‘Fight Night’ Fundraiser
This year, the ACBA Young Lawyers Division’s Bar Leadership Initiative Class of 2023-24 supported Team 412 Boxing, a nonprofit gym that provides after-school programs, like boxing, to support local youth.

The members of Team 412 Boxing have competed nationally, with one boxer, Trinity Burke, qualifying for the Olympic Trials this year. This fundraiser was a three-part project beginning with boxing classes to raise money for Team 412 Boxing and ending with the “Fight Night” Fundraiser.
“Fight Night” Boxing Supplies Drive
The YLD is donating boxing supplies to Team 412 Boxing to support local youths in Pittsburgh with frequently needed items. Click here to view the Amazon Wishlist.
“Fight Night” Fundraiser
Members and guests attended a retro boxing-themed gala at Kingfly Spirits in the Strip District.​
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Read more about this project in the Jan. 12 edition of the Lawyers Journal.
Read more about this project in the March 8 edition of the Lawyers Journal.